Test: dan test - 100 Questions

100 Multiple Choice Questions

  1. Otoshi
  2. Nin
  3. Shizen No Kamae
  4. What do we call the group of breaking out methods
  5. The ninja would seek out this manifestations
  6. This need would be exploited
  7. Shinobi iri
  8. kihon kosshi sanpo
  9. Shuto
  10. tessen
  11. Tomoe-nage
  12. Jutaijutsu
  13. Kaeshi Waza
  14. What are the three stages of teaching
  15. Hanbo
  16. Yame
  17. At 3rd kyu, what is our main focus of teaching
  18. Santo Tonko from the
  19. Ukemi
  20. Birth place of ninjutsu
  21. angry tiger defensive posture
  22. Yari
  23. spiritual power
  24. Who takes the credit for my weapons knowledge
  25. Dakentaijutsu
  26. Kyusho
  27. Shitanken
  28. Tsuba
  29. Hidari
  30. We start kihon gata and end randori, what the middle level
  31. Nage
  32. Tai Sabaki
  33. Gyaku Musha dori
  34. Randori
  35. Onikudaki
  36. Ninja Ken
  37. Tsuki
  38. Fu no Kata
  39. Go
  40. The gyokko ryu has three levels, they changed to ten, chi and
  41. What did Gyokko Ryu used to be called
  42. Goshi or Koshi
  43. tanto
  44. Ganseki-ori
  45. gyaku nage
  46. Te
  47. Ranshi Waza
  48. Shuko
  49. Taiken
  50. Jodan
  51. Kihon Happo
  52. Seishin Teki Kyoyo
  53. Omote Gyaku
  54. Gaeshi
  55. Gedan
  56. Your student can't complete a technique, what do we fix first?
  57. Shodan
  58. Taijutsu
  59. Which of these did the ninja see as one of the five needs
  60. Omoto Gyaku Tobi Geri
  61. Henka
  62. Sokugyaku
  63. Ganseki Otoshi
  64. How many schools ryu are ninjutsu
  65. Zenpo
  66. suwari gata sanpo
  67. Muso Dori
  68. Mae
  69. Happo Keri
  70. Itami
  71. Iaijutsu
  72. Bojutsu
  73. What was the old name for gyokko ryu which was source for Hakuun ryu of Iga
  74. Shime or Jime
  75. Kusarigamajutsu
  76. Fudoza No Kamae
  77. Kusarifundo
  78. Yoko Aruki
  79. Musha Dori
  80. Ushiro
  81. Sensei Ni Rei
  82. Kudaki
  83. What is another name for randori
  84. Shinoko Ryu
  85. taihodoki
  86. Happogakure no Kamae
  87. Eight Fundamental Counter Forms
  88. Uke
  89. Kikakuken or Zutsuki
  90. Godai
  91. In Bikenjutsu Kurai Dori means
  92. Junan Taiso
  93. Taihenjutsu
  94. Shime Waza
  95. Za Rei
  96. Sakki
  97. What was Hachiryu Nyudo secret weapon
  98. Rei
  99. do jime
  100. Nagare

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